

  • I haven't testedOn Wednesday, October 12, 2016, Chickenmax wrote:does it work?On Sat, at 4:41 PM, Jacob Parker wrote:Glolol pushed an update 8 days ago, I wouldn't say this project is dead.On Saturday, October 8, 2016, Chickenmax wrote. Accept it, its dedOn Wed, at 5:33 PM, KoolKidz112 wrote:,or...
    To get rid of it change to a different scrolling option. If you find you have a half screen of grey blank space on your timeline when you’re at the beginning of the track this is the scrolling mode you’re in. All those screen re-draws can make it juddery when zoomed in so it’s not a popular...
    IV.On the Reality of What is Fard'l-Ayaan and What is Fard'l-Kifaaya From These Sciences of the Deen V. III.On the Reality of the Proper Place of the Legal Judgement for the Sciences of the Religion which are Tawheed, Fiqh, and Tassawwuf. On the Reality of Outward Iman and Inward Iman. On the...
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